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Mikako's Profile

Name: Mikako Furuya
Birthday: November 14th 2008
Blood Type: AB
Mikako was born on November 14th 2008 and when she was 1 week old she was diagnosed with Hirschsprung's Disease: the disease affects the Intestines due to the absence of ganglion cells causing a mechanical or functional obstruction, preventing the normal transit of the products of digestion.
When she was 2 weeks old, she underwent emergency surgery. She was given 6 months at best by doctors to survive, even though she got a gastrostomy and artificial anus by the surgery.
But she has surpassed the 6 months and is still growing up. (She is weigh over 8 kilograms on September 8th 2009.)
Her Current condition
Her small intestine with very few nerves has diminished resulting in the loss of all functions. Additionally there is the progression of cirrhosis due to being fully-dependent on a central intravenous catheter: direct high-calorie flow into thick veins close to her heart for nutrition and taking digestive juices like bile because her liver has defective absorption.
She requires transplantation of both small and large intestines for treatment of her sickness.
The heartache of uneatable
She can't receive nourishment by mouth due to Hirschsprung's Disease unless she gets better.
She has never been able to take mother's milk or water since she was born, and she can't even keep the pacifier in her mouth as it is strange and uncomfortable for her.
Now, she spits out the pacifier and saliva with it as the fluids can't pass through her throat.